Are you using the help wanted classified ads when you look for jobs? If not, you should be. Local and regional employers don't always post on the major jobs sites like Monster or HotJobs. Instead, they will advertise in their local newspaper to avoid being overwhelmed with applicants and, in many cases, because they are not interested in paying relocation costs.
Help Wanted
You don't need to run to the store to buy the latest edition of the paper. Online newspaper editions which contain the help wanted classified ads are available for most papers. These Help Wanted ads are typically searchable by date, category, keyword and location. You may be able to upload your resume and apply directly online for jobs that interest you.
Some newspapers conduct live Job Fairs attended by the employers who advertise with them. While others provide local salary information and career resources, in addition to job listings. You may also be able to set up a job search agent to notify you about new listings which meet your criteria via email.
Online Help Wanted Ads
There are directories of newspapers, both national and international, available to save time searching for papers in locations that interest you.
· Help Wanted - International, national, state and local help wanted ads, job listings and employment classifieds.
· Online Newspapers - Online editions of major newspapers and directories to locate regional/local papers.
In addition, powers the employment classifieds for many local newspapers, including Gannett, Knight Ridder and Tribune, as well as US Today's career channel.
Local / Regional Job Sites
There are also local and regional job sites that can be effective in finding a job in a specific location. Again, many of these sites include listings from local employers who may not be inclined to post on the major jobs sites.
· Jobs by State - US job listings, employment classifieds and career resources listed by state.
If you are looking for a job close to home or for a position around the country or around the world, be sure to include the Help Wanted ads on a daily basis to ensure you are applying for every potential job opportunity you can!
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